Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Holiday Starkillers Strike Back X-Wing Casually Serious Tournament 2017

On December 9, X-Wing players once again assembled at the Anacostia Arts Center in Washington, DC for the sequel to 2015's awesome event. It took place within a larger art exhibition (some images of which I've included at the end of this post).

This time I decided to try my hand at a Rebel list: Wedge Antilles and Biggs Darklighter in X-Wings, and Horton Salm in a Y-Wing. I'd played this a few weeks before to pretty good effect, but a rules change just days before the tournament (that I only found out about the night before) meant that my list wasn't as effective as I was hoping it would be.

As with the 2015, there were trophies and other prizes to be had! 

My first match started off when I saw my opponent had some awesome debris markers. 

Through the course of the event, I had some successes but I narrowly lost most of my games. But I ended up finishing 20th, which was solid. At least I wasn't dead last...though the last place person did get a pretty awesome little trophy called the Jawa Junker Award. 

As promised, here are some examples of the Star Wars-inspired artwork on display: