Monday, January 22, 2018

Han's Holiday Hangover X-Wing Miniautures Tournament 2018

On January 7, Labryinth Games in Washington, DC hosted the Han's Holiday Hangover X-Wing Miniautres tournament. In attendance was much the same crowd as December's Holiday Starkillers Strike Back, and there were once again trophies and prizes to be won.

I decided to fly Lt. Karsabi and two Rho Squadron pilots in Assault Gunboats with cannons. But the day was a rough one: I had a pretty bad headache and the snowy weather wasn't helping to my mood (I really miss those sunny SoCal winters at times). But I made an effort anyway. 

In terms of my playing, the day was a complete disaster as I lost handily in every single game. As per usual, I only got a few photos.

For my trouble, however, I got the Jawa Junker Award! Even though its the last place trophy, I still put this up on my desk and have it proudly displayed beside my 2015 Force Choker Award. 

But still, I didn't have that good of a time overall (I want to make perfectly clear that this was through no fault of the event organizers...they were AWESOME). I just think I'm getting burned out on X-Wing. The current meta just isn't fun to play and I'm frankly tired of always losing. I try to practice as much as I can but life and work are starting to get in the way and I can't afford to stay competitive anymore. So I think I may take a break from the game for a bit and let the batteries recharge. 

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