Tuesday, August 20, 2019

An Ode to Game Towne

Game Towne, a feature of many trips to San Diego!

The old shop, now closed
With summers of fun past it
Breaks the heart and soul

The last time I was in Old Town San Diego, I made the terrible discovery that its FLGS had closed. I don't know when specifically it happened, but it stopped me dead in my tracks. Game Towne was one of the first game shops that I can remember visiting. It was always a stop for me along with the Whaley House (where I proposed to my wife), Casa de Bandini (now the Cosmopolitan Hotel and Restaurant), and El Campo Santo Cemetery. It was here that I was first introduced to Vallejo paints and bought my first Leman Russ tank kit. For 35+ years it welcomed visitors and San Diegans alike into a world of tabletop fun.

Photo courtesy of Yelp.

Photo courtesy of Yelp.

Photo courtesy of Yelp.

It's always sad when a long established game shop closes....and especially one that has so much sentiment attached to it. But time can't take away the memories of a good game store. Game Towne will always be a shop that I remember fondly.

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