Thursday, December 19, 2019

Gaslands: Yellow Submarine

The last time I was in California, my friend Ben from Weasel Miniatures introduced to Gaslands. For those unfamiliar, it's a game of "post-apocalyptic vehicular combat" by Osprey that is surprsingly better than it sounds!

I stockpiled Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars, but it wasn't until I was at Target the other day that a particular vehicle caught my eye: the iconic Beatles' Yellow Submarine!

I knew what I had to do.

The model was given a quick spray of Testors Dullcote because I wanted to knock down the shine a bit and give the washes something to adhere to. Once dry, the sub was generously washed with Games Workshop's Agrax Earthshade and Fuegan Orange. Once dry, I applied Games Workshop's Typhus Corrosion and Ryza Rust to really accent the fact that the sub has seen better, happier days. But I still wanted enough of the original character to shine through. 

Its deck gun came from my bits box and was an old Leman Russ heavy machine gun. After several attempts of trying to glue it in place with super glue and then modeling cement, I decided that pinning it in would likely be better. Turns out it was the right choice. 

In terms of how I'm going to run this in Gaslands, I have a few ideas. My first thought was to run it as a Helicopter, which would reflect its incredible abilities in the iconic film. But then I was rereading the rules and realized I could also run it as an Ice Cream Truck. This is a cheap option in the game, but its "Irritating Jingle" special rule made me think of the many people out there (I'm most definitely not one of them) who have expressed disdain for the song "Yellow Submarine."

All in all, this was a quick and easy model to knock together. What I love about Gaslands is that there's really no such thing as over-weathering your vehicles. 

Now, let's go after some Blue Meanies! 

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