Sunday, April 5, 2020

My First Miniature, or How I Learned to Thin My Paints and Love the Journey

Back in mid-2007, I was introduced to the joys of painting miniatures by friends Kyle and Ben. The latter has been particularly kind and gracious in showing me the ins and outs of this hobby over the last 13 years. I decided to to start a Praetorian force for Warhammer 40k (since I love the movie Zulu) and got a few figures in a bundle on eBay. Sly Marbo was also included and I decided that he was to be my first test figure.

Armed with Delta Ceramcoat and cheap Michaels brushes, I set to work! I don’t remember how long it took me to finish painting, but I remember how proud and excited I was when I finished. I remember Ben telling me that it was really good for a first figure.

Let’s quickly contrast him with my most recent 40k figure.

Wow. It’s amazing what 13 years can do!

I’m kind of embarrassed looking at this figure now, but I think it’s important. It’s a nice reminder of how my skills and techniques have evolved. That, and memories of all the help and encouragement I got along the way from friends and family. I’m still not the greatest painter (nor do I expect I ever will be), but I’ve really gotten to enjoy the learning process (which has been tough at times given my perfectionist tendencies).

I want to close this post with an awesome web comic that really spoke to me, courtesy of OK Blue Comics on Tumblr.

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