Monday, November 16, 2020

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Update IV

"It's been a long road getting from there to here..."

Well, it's been a long time! I wrote my last COVID update about six months ago and so figured I was overdue for another.

Last time I ended on a bit of a down note by announcing that Jimmy had cancer. At the time he wasn't doing well at all... Teresa and I thought that he only had a few weeks left.

Jimmy had other ideas.

Not only has he pressed on, he's also spunkier than ever! This photo was taken just a week or so ago, and so you can see that he is quite alive and well. Jimmy's appetite is also the best that it's ever been! Despite the fact that he can't use his back legs, he still scoots around really well (his front legs are SWOLE) and can be quick when he wants to be. He's definitely a miracle cat!

I went back to physically being at work in July, though only for a few days at a time. In October the Washington Monument reopened so I've been in most days since then. Because of that, however, I really haven't had much of a chance to work on figures. 

That's pretty much been it. Nothing too exciting, I know, but there may be something down the road that will be exciting. But that's for another post! 

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