Thursday, December 31, 2020

2021 Hobby Resolutions

 Happy New Year's Eve everyone! Take heart....2020 is almost behind us! 

You might recall that last New Year's Day I made a post with a lengthy list of hobby resolutions for 2020. It was ambitious to be sure, but I figured it was doable at the time.

Yeah...nothing on that list got finished. D'oh. 😑

So instead of potentially having a repeat of that for 2021, I think I'll just resolve to enjoy the hobby, paint more frequently, and just have fun working on the projects that strike my fancy. 

Oh, and to clean up the basement War Room too. I've been putting that off for a good while now, but my friend Mannie's toy soldier studio has been a real inspiration! I think it will go a long way in helping me to actually get started on the tidying up and organizing. I also have some ideas that I think will really add some nice character to my workspace.

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