Saturday, December 19, 2020

Weihnachtszeit ist Erinnerungszeit

After my last post, it's nice to have something good to write about. Today we received a box of Springerle cookies from my mom and sister! These traditional anise-flavored cookies are a holiday tradition in Southern Germany, and Mom grew up with them thanks to Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Abel. She and my sister revived the tradition last year, and my wife and I are big fans!

One of the designs is of a German soldier (Picklehaube and all!) in the pre-1916 uniform. Mom bought the mold from a seller in the Bavarian town of Pleinfeld, Germany. She got it with me specifically in mind. 

As you can see (courtesy of Mom's blog...seriously please go check it out), the mold is made of wood and has some definite age to it. It's not made of plastic like a lot of modern ones seem to be. It was definitely quite a find! 

The rest of the cookies look really awesome too! As you can see, there's a wide variety of designs including Santa Claus (der Weihnachtsmann), Christmas trees, and snowmen. And they're all made from traditional wooden molds like the soldier. It's certainly gotten festive in the house all of a sudden! 

Thanks again, Mom and Jessie! This is exactly what Teresa and I needed right now. 😁

1 comment:

  1. So happy these Springerles brightened your day. I'll keep looking for more soldier molds to keep this special guy company! Love your post btw!!!
