Taking a bit of a break from X-Wing to post some progress photos of my Putrid Choir test figures. These guys have been sitting on the workbench for a while: I first picked them up when Dark Imperium was released in 2017. They promptly sat in the box until earlier this year when I decided to take a crack at the Death Guard. There they sat again until I decided to make a post in the hopes that I'll be inspired enough to finish them (and their pestilence-ridden brethren) in the very near future.
For those unfamiliar, the Death Guard are from Warhammer 40k and are a chapter of Chaos Space Marines dedicated to Nurgle, the surprisingly jovial Lord of Decay. These fellows accepted Nurgle's "gifts" and despite their grotesque appearance, are immune to disease and pestilence. Not to mention that they're deadly proficient warriors.
Yup, he sure seems like a nice and happy fellow! |
When the set first came out, it seemed that everyone was painting these guys up in standard Death Guard green. This is fine but I wanted to do something different. Inspired by a faded set of green dumpster steps I pass on my way to work, I decided to paint them up as the Putrid Choir warband. These gents announce their presence with Undertaker-sounding bells in a maddening cacophony that will test the sanity of nearly every opponent. I may or may not also be working on a soundtrack to go along with playing.
The "Death Guard dumpster" steps. |
Anyway, here are some more detailed shots!
These guys were basecoated with two thin coats of GW Sybarite Green over a white primer. This was my first time trying either and what a difference it made! They were then given a bath of GW Agrax Earthshade and given two drybrush coats of the original color to bring it back up. The result is pretty grimy and dirty power armor that, well, looks like a dumpster. I'm pretty pleased with it!
I've got plenty more of these guys basecoated and ready for finishing. Like many other hobbyists, however, I tend to get distracted by other projects and have a really hard time finishing projects that I start. I think my New Years Resolution for 2020 will be finish many of the figures I've started but have sort of abandoned over the last few years.
I'm still not sure how to do the bases, though. If anyone has any ideas please let me know in the comments below!